7 Books Every Entrepreneur Must Read: Insights to Help You Succeed

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a large pile of books for entrepreneurs that will help you succeed

As an entrepreneur, I am always looking for new insights and tools to help Black Girls Pole succeed. No matter what stage I'm at in my entrepreneurial journey, there has always been something to learn.

Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been running your business for years, reading is a great way to gain new insights and perspectives.

To help you on your quest for knowledge, we’ve compiled a list of seven must-read books for entrepreneurs. These books cover a wide range of topics, from sales and marketing to mindset and productivity.

So, without further ado, here are the seven books every entrepreneur must read!

Our Top 7 Books For Entrepreneurs:

Dare to Lead

When I started Black Girls Pole, it was an idea in a notebook. Specifically, that I wanted to host pole retreats for women of color around the world. I had no idea how to make that happen. I was also terrified and wondered if I could really pull it off. I knew that I had to put myself out there if I wanted Black Girls Pole to succeed. That’s why the first book on our list is Dare to Lead by Brené Brown.

In her book, Brown talks about the importance of vulnerability and how it can be a strength, not a weakness. She also discusses how to have difficult conversations, how to build trust, and how to create a culture of belonging. These are all essential skills for entrepreneurs. If you want to build a successful business, you need to learn how to lead with vulnerability and courage.

The second book on our list is Secrets of Closing the Sale by Zig Ziglar. As entrepreneurs, we are constantly selling. We are selling our products, our services, and ourselves. If you want to be successful in sales, then you need to read this book. Ziglar provides insights and strategies that will help you close more deals and make more sales. He also teaches you how to handle objections and how to build relationships with your clients.

This book has helped a ton in helping me communicate exactly what we're offering and who we're offering it to.

The Big Leap

The third book on our list is The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. This book is all about overcoming your fears and achieving success in your life and career. It’s about taking the leap and going after what you want. As entrepreneurs, we often have to take big risks. We have to put ourselves out there and hope that people will respond positively to our products or services. This book will give you the confidence you need to take those big leaps in your business ventures.

The fourth book on our list is Start with Why by Simon Sinek. This book is about finding your purpose and using it to drive your business. It’s about figuring out what you stand for and why you do what you do. If you want to build a successful business, you need to start with why. You need to find your purpose and use it to guide your business decisions.

This book is something that I’ve had every group of mentee’s read because it’s that important. Without knowing your why, you won’t have direction.

Atomic Habits

The fifth book on our list is Atomic Habits by James Clear. This book is all about creating and sustaining good habits. As entrepreneurs, we often have to work long hours and make sacrifices in our personal lives. This can be tough if we don’t have good habits in place. This book will teach you how to create good habits and stick to them. It will also show you how to break bad habits that are holding you back.

We Should All Be Millionaires

The sixth book on our list is We Should All be millionaires by Rachel Rodgers. This book is about financial success and how to achieve it. It’s full of insights and advice from Rodger’s own journey to becoming a millionaire. If you want to build wealth, this book is a must-read. It will teach you how to think like a millionaire and how to make your money work for you.

I Will Teach You To Be Rich

The seventh and final book on our list is I will teach you to be rich by Ramit Sethi. This book is about creating a wealthy lifestyle. It’s about learning how to save and invest your money so that you can achieve financial independence. If you want to live a rich life, this book is a must-read. It will teach you how to save and invest your money so that you can achieve financial independence.

These are just a few of the many great books that entrepreneurs should read. These books will provide you with insights and strategies that you can use to build a successful business. So, what are you waiting for? Start reading! They've helped Black Girls Pole succeed and we think they'll do the same for you!


Written by:

Dalijah Franklin

Dalijah Franklin is a Mother, Dancer, Lifestyle Blogger, Entrepreneur, and Obsessive Life Giver. She is also the founder of Black Girls Pole, an organization to striving to diversify the pole world by inspiring, empowering, and educating women of color about pole dancing. Check out Black Girls Pole’s website and Instagram here. Stay up to date with Dalijah here.