Attainable Goals to feeling healthier in the New Year (and how to maintain it all year!)

It's a New Year and if you are like a majority of people, you have a laundry list of things you want to do better or achieve this year! Newsflash: Over 43% of people who set resolutions will quit before February 1st because the goals are too lofty and they do not have actionable goals to continue working towards their resolution. This year is a great year to maintain small things every day in your wellness journey that can turn into lifestyle changes!  Check out these simple daily changes below.  

Get those steps in! 

HIIT, Pole, Cardio oh my! Yes, all of these are amazing and beneficial to your health but getting 7-10k steps in every day is SO important. Whether that means taking the stairs instead of the elevator, purposefully parking your car further away from the store, Or going on walks, Whatever gets you moving more, take that route. Hitting your step count daily is linked to less cardiovascular diseases like stroke and heart failure as well as dementia and over 10 types of cancer. 

Drink More Water

Hello…this is your friendly reminder to stop what you are doing and go get some water! You are welcome. A lot of times when we think we are hungry, we are actually dehydrated.  Drinking water has a list of benefits including having positive effects on your skin, healthy kidney and digestive functions, and preventing things like constipation and fatigue, and brain fog.  Tip: set daily “Hydrate” Alarms on your phone to go off throughout the day and making sure that it's the first thing that hits your stomach in the morning can be great helpers to getting in your H2O.  

You don’t need all these fads and fast…

Just eat more Fruits and Vegetables! Every meal should have either fruits, veggies, or both. Not only are they a good source of vitamins and minerals, including folate, vitamin C, and potassium. They're an excellent source of dietary fiber, which helps to maintain a healthy gut and prevent constipation and other digestion problems.

Work on your flexibility

Daily stretching is a crucial component of overall health and fitness.  Improving your flexibility not only reduces the risk of injuries, but it can also improve your posture and range of motion, which is important for everyday activities. Try adding a few stretching exercises to your current workout routine or set aside a few minutes every day to do some stretches on your own.

And if you need a little inspiration, we’ve got just the thing! Check out this webinar with Zippora right here!

Go The Hell to Bed!

Sleep is an incredibly important part of sustainable weight loss and maintaining weight. Poor sleep can mess up everything from hormones to your appetite and everything in between.  You may not be getting 8 hrs due to work, parenting, etc, but improving the quality of sleep will pay off in the long run.  Put your phone down so your brain can unwind from the daily overload of information.  Get some black-out curtains, avoid caffeine at least 8 hrs before bedtime, turn off the tv, and cool your room down (around 67F).  Sticking to the same bedtime every night is also helpful.   

Be Kind to yourself 

If you are struggling or miss a day or fall off the consistency wagon…it is OK friend. Instead of taking the woe is me approach and beating yourself up, take a moment to thank your body for everything it has helped you accomplish! 

If you aren’t hitting your goals, maybe this is a good time to reassess whether your current goals are too much. If they are not realistic, no problem, just readjust, reset, and keep going!  

Moral of the story is, change isn't easy. When you are working towards goals, life will try to throw everything at you to throw you off your game. Taking the leap to step outside of your comfort zone is a great feat and remind yourself that you are doing what it takes to accomplish what you want!

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