Appointments You Need to Book in the Next 30 days

While I hate the term “New Year, New Me”...such unneeded pressure…I do think it is a great idea to tackle some appointments you have been putting off! It's time for a reset and to prioritize these things on your to do list! 

Full Body Massage

When is the last time you got a massage? We Pole dancers love to beat up our bodies and over train and then sit back and wonder why our backs and shoulders are always hurting! Friend…you need to show your body some love! Massages are great for  de-stressing, detoxing your system, reducing PMS-related symptoms, improving your quality of sleep, decreasing pain-related issues, I mean the list goes on! I promise your body will thank you! 

Financial Consultant 

Black women are 22% more in Student loan debt than white women and will make less money than them in the course of our lifetime. It is important to be vigilant with our savings, spendings and earnings and have a professional help us along the way.  From setting up a retirement account to investing to making big purchases, there is no “con”  when we are knowledgeable about our finances.  The Association of African American Financial Advisors is a great start to find resources! 

Hair and or Nails

You deserve it! A manicure and a visit to see your favorite hair dresser can be life changing. Ain't nothing more sexy and beautiful than when We feel like dat B!$h cuz our nails and hair is did! Whether it’s to get a cut and color, a new weave or wig, get a cute protective style, or get Gel Mani/Pedi it’s always worth it to sit back and  relax in a chair and let a trained professional hook you up from time to time. 

Life Coach or Therapist 

No Shame in the Game when it comes to our mental health.  The pandemic has done a number on everyone’s psyche and talking to someone to get things out and off your chest can give you the clarity and stability you need.  If you are not into sitting on the couch with a therapist, consider a life coach who is great for helping you manifest your purpose, boost your self confidence and get you to better understand your strengths and weaknesses! 

Friend Check in

When was the last time you checked in on your bestie to see how they are REALLY doing? Doing a little friend inventory never hurt. Are they hitting their goals? Are they up for a promotion but are nervous about it? Are their kids driving them crazy and they just need a night out with you to blow off some steam with a good drank? It might be a good idea to commit to monthly convo’s and hold each other accountable for things like this moving forward.  

Okay friend…get out your calendar cuz you have got some appointments to book! 

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