Black Girl Happiness can be your reality!


It seems that from the beginning of time, Black Women have always had to be Strong.  Be resilient and tough, and always hold it together even if everything around them was crumbling. We have been told time and time again nothing will be handed to us and to work ten times harder than the next person.  Don’t trust men. Don’t trust other Black Women. You can do it on your own. Be proud of your struggle.  Being independent is a sign of strength and it is the only way to survive.  

Don’t look too happy because folks will think you are too proud or bougie or “She think just because she has XYZ she can act a certain way”.  Other people’s insecurities will really have you thinking you don’t deserve happiness. Society will do everything it can to oppress you.   Deciding to break the chains of trauma  and demanding your happiness and freedom isn’t easy but once you start taking small steps, it can be revolutionary.  Check out a few strategies you can apply to your life to start finding your happiness!

1. Pole Dance

 Pole is a sign of your freedom. It is you saying yes to your body and being accepting of every curve and callous! Not only do you build a type of confidence that you won’t find anywhere else but you push past your limits both mentally and physically.  Stepping in your first pole class is one of the biggest steps you can take to reclaim who you are and find your happiness! 

2. Get off social media

There is no easier way to feel unaccomplished and like you are failing than to go on social media and see someone posting the highlights of their life. Girl...UNFOLLOW PEOPLE THAT MAKE YOU FEEL SHITTY...or at least mute them. I have unfollowed people who make me doubt what I am doing. Setting the timer on IG has also made me more aware of how long I am on the app.  I give myself a certain amount of time to be on and once the time is up...I am done! 

3. Journal

Journaling is one of the best things I have ever done for myself. I have had a journal since 6th grade and it is where I word dump, process my thoughts, share my fears, dream and work through life. Writing can be healing and help you figure out what to do next. 

4. Therapy

You are not broken by going to therapy.  I have had some of my biggest life changing breakthroughs in therapy and let me tell you I felt the weight of years of F’ed up insecurities and doubts fall off of me. Don’t wait for there to be a major crisis in your life to say “Okay NOW I need therapy”.  Mental health is just as important as physical health and it is past time that we normalize it! Its time boo...Find yourself a therapist

5. Evaluate your friendships

When you are working hard to get to new levels, not everyone will be where you are and thats ok! Finding a tribe who has goals wants to reach new heights is important. The same way you would reevaluate a romantic relationship, you can do the same for friendships. 

Being a happy Black Woman is a radical and revolutionary experience. This is your life and you can choose to create happiness. I made a choice to be happy! Join me and  make it your reality!  


Founder of BGP, Anatomy Nerd, Lover of Ice Cream